sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

Departed for OSI

warm air fills the space
hedged by secrecy you
stay in the right place

16 comentarios:

gautami tripathy dijo...

Hedged by secrecy..

that makes me wish to know what secrecy?

a winter tale

Heliotropism dijo...

OOH, this was nice! Very nice!!!

Sandra.if dijo...

gautami...: the event of departure makes no stir on its first taking place ...it does not show its effect directly and it is gradual

anthonynorth dijo...

Saying so much yet still ambiguous. Nice.

SandyCarlson dijo...

Makes me wonder what goes on beyond that "hedge"!

Jeeves dijo...

Hedged by secrecy. I love that sentence

Amity dijo...

what's all about it?

hmmm...care to share us?

good evening...:)

if dijo...

that secret exists by itself ...I can not control it.......:)

Anónimo dijo...

I am always liking when so few words make me think.

zoya gautam dijo...

Makes me wonder what goes on beyond that "hedge"!

i know it ..

many thanks for sharing this 'secret ' ..

lissa dijo...

what stays in the right place - words? memories? I can only guess

Anónimo dijo...

a secret lover or maybe a dream lover?

Jukota dijo...

This creates tension for me, which is nice because who among us stays in the right place?

Jim dijo...

Hey Sandra, we go round and round here don't we! This is good, I do hope he (??) isn't found.

Sandra.if dijo...

to all your questioning...special to lissa and jukota...I ask: can you measure how much would you miss a person when he has just gone?...it is impossible to know but that event will develop "hedged by secrecy" and after SOME time it will be put (by a misterious reason) in a specific point in a scale of missed things that you have suffered.........that is the right place

Patti dijo...

thought provoking- thanks~