sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

If I die (for OSI The passing)

music soothes my fears
"Pomp and circumstance" do play
I would love to hear

12 comentarios:

anthonynorth dijo...

So would I. Great words.

Maurice Lauher dijo...

It is sort of a graduation isn't it?

good posting

Anónimo dijo...

It might be the sound of your beating heart, telling, that it is still alive.

Please have a good Monday.

daily athens

SandyCarlson dijo...

How we move along with the right music.

Anónimo dijo...

Great words, yes. Nice take on the OSI prompt..

Sherri B. dijo...


Ramesh Sood dijo...

I like it.. beautiful..

gautami tripathy dijo...

Me too!

I watch while the mountains crumble

Harshad Mehta dijo...

Touching. lovely.

Patti dijo...

Music is perfect for soothing the soul isn't it?! Great take on the prompt Sandra!

Amity dijo...

Hi Sandra;

What a nice way to make a request! :)

And a music-laden moments of rest?

Jeeves dijo...

Music does soothe fear! Lovely poem