sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

Shift in time for OSI

thousands of humans
around the world
stop for a while
and with their hands
shift the time
thousands of ants
over earth and stone
would  never stop
and without a clock
they build a castle
in a tímeless rustle

27 comentarios:

Glowby dijo...

Wonderful! We only waste time by changing the time.

Anónimo dijo...

a beautiful poem Sandra! :)
good take on the prompt!

ps: if u want the questions, u can take them.. i have left the tag open, so any of my readers can do it if they wish :)

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) dijo...

I hate this time change, but there are times when I can get a little more daylight, then I enjoy it.

You did well with the prompt!

Join the fun at Acrostic Only!

SandyCarlson dijo...

True. So what wisdom is there in keeping time, again? I enjoyed this.

sgreerpitt dijo...

nice distinction between the rhythms of humans and the rhythms of other species.

anthonynorth dijo...

Sometimes we are pointlessly attached to time. Great words.

Sherri B. dijo...

This was so powerfully said! I really loved this.

Amity dijo...

Hi Sandra;

a different take on the prompt!

Nice one!

lissa dijo...

two comparisons - two opposites- humans clings too much to time and ants building time, certainly makes me wonder

Jukota dijo...

It's so true, what ants can do, and all of it without a clock to regulate their work! I agree with Anthony North!

gautami tripathy dijo...

You hit it off. Liked this a lot!

deathly adventure

Also don't forget to post any of your creative works at Monday Poetry Train Revisited!

Maggie dijo...

It is true that only humans allow time to shift them around.

Anónimo dijo...

Very good, you. I am liking your words, muchly.

Tumblewords: dijo...

Well done! I love the way you juxtaposed humans and ants in this shift.

indicaspecies dijo...

So true!

Anónimo dijo...

sandra wow!! i loved it!!!

great use of the prompt

Cassiopeia Rises dijo...

This is wonderful. Your use of words and images vibrate within the mind.


zoya gautam dijo...

.. their hands
shift the time ..

thousands of ants

in a tímeless rustle

without a clock

wonderful images - creating a sense of how time has chained mankind ..

but how the ant lives free ..

beautiful ..

Anónimo dijo...

So true!

Sandra.if dijo...


john dijo...

Sandra, many levels to your poem. Us, as we toil through our daily/weekly lives. Us, as we look back to what was and what was lost. Us, as we look forward to our hopes for our personal and our family's futures. Your reference to ants takes us to the rest of life on this earth. Lives that can't grasp any concept of Time, let alone be able to understand the fingers on a clock. The Time they work and live by, is the eternal turning of this Earth. And then, you are asking by implication, if we are better than those who cannot follow a clock. I feel that the answer must be that they have a much better grasp of the Earth than we do. Man believes that the Earth is to play with and rule. What a fool mankind is!

Sandra.if dijo...

Hola John.....thanks for those ideas that enrich this poem...:)

AutoDT dijo...

Beautiful words!

Have a great day!


Carlos Gesmundo dijo...

Yes -- we presume to manage time but lose sight of what is essential.

Jim dijo...

Yes, Sandy, it is all in our minds isn't it. Mass uniformity at its best! Good thoughts, great penning those thoughts.

gabrielle dijo...

the static illusions we have cultivated! I loved the contrast of "timeless rustle"

Tammie Lee dijo...

lovely thoughts on time ~