A secret is something that we intentionally hide . But as we are all different is is according to our own personality and culture what things are to be kept.
I have a detective personality. I enjoy finding out things people hide.
I love crime stories where it is necessary to guess all the purposes a person may have had to commit a crime.
I think that a secret is always painful, like a sting hurting . The less secrets we have the happier and truer we are. What do you think?
11 comentarios:
I agree whole heartedly with yuor last line. I think secrets simmer within the soul. I too have a detective personality. I love to suss people out.
I agree. Secrets destroy truth and create unhappiness.
yes, secrets are like coloured socks - the fewer colours you have the less trouble they are.
good post! Secrets keep you seperate.
Some secrets are truly our personal burden to carry -- forever! Namely secrets that hurt, or worse, scar a truly 'innocent' other person. Dumping this kind of secret, to make ourselves feel better, is selfish and cowardly -- lacking in genuine compassion.
yes rob,there are many kind of secrets some are important and others just silly but main of all they are personal matter, and when we share it just with one person , a door is opened for good or bad and ends to be a secret...some persons have th power to "see" those secrets in others .... I have heard of hermetic groups keeping secrets that end to be "secreto a voces" we say in spanish...that means that everybody knows
Have you heard about the secret of confession in religion? that is strange ...
Much truth in so short a post. Loaded is the word for it.
secrets and recompense
There are some secrets about ourselves we keep from others not because we fear if others know these secrets, they will have some power over us. So we let the secrets have the power over us.
it is interesting what you say patois...but secrets like everything else have a power (generally between two people) in a specific moment that begins to diminish or end as the time passes and as we grow enough to accept and show ourselves with our imperfections. The ideal thing is to reach the end naked...:)
I totally agree that the less secrets we have the happier we are if the secrets are negative. Then they just bring us down. But some secrets that we hold can also bring such joy it seems better to hold onto them then let them go.
yes, you are right lisrobbe, we think of bad things more that good things when refering to secrets, but I myself enjoy thinking very beautiful things that as a secret dream make me happy...
When I say I love to discover other´s secrets I mean those secrets that make me understand better a person ...
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