viernes, 31 de agosto de 2007

No end - Sin final

Who can quite explain

what happens in the soul

when love is born or dies?

For me it was born of whispers

in the middle of the night

suddenly and without warning

my heart was changed

and I wanted to shout in silence

for the wonderful discovery

that I was capable of everything

almost, almost like God.

The midday sun

shining with new brilliance

showed me humbly

in ways magic and beautiful

all the goodness of the earth.

I can't explain, I know,

about the end of this feeling

since it remained with me

I am sure forever

Sin final

¿Quien puede dar cuenta exacta

de lo que pasa en el alma

cuando el amor nace o muere?

Para mí nació en murmullo

cuando en medio de la noche

de pronto y sin aviso

se mudó mi corazón,

y quise gritar callando

por la hermosa convicción

de que era capaz de todo

casi, casi como Dios.

Y en medio del día el sol

brillando con fuerza nueva

me mostró con humildad

de forma mágica y bella

todo lo bueno en la tierra

No puedo dar cuenta sé,

del final del sentimiento,

ya que se quedó conmigo

estoy segura para siempre

10 comentarios:

Boricua in Texas dijo...

Me gustó mucho la versión en español.

Gill dijo...

That is beautiful.

Anónimo dijo...

Beautifully told..

Sandra.if dijo...

yes, Ingrid I like the spanish original better translation was difficult...

Patois42 dijo...

I'm sad to say I can't read the Spanish version, but the English version is beautiful.

Hope dijo...

Quite the talent. I am jealous of your multi lingual talent to create poetry. Spanish has such a beautiful music.

Crafty Green Poet dijo...

Lovely to read it in both languages!

Anónimo dijo...

Beautiful. I read just enough Spanish to appreciate the original - but the English translation is lovely as well.

Tumblewords: dijo...

lovely in each language!

Anónimo dijo...

A bit of bilingual excellence I have to say.
There is no end to your talent.
Take care and thanks for sharing