That Sunday I woke up early and I knew I had to run to the Hospital. My father had been there for a week and we knew that there was no hope for him. He had lung cancer. I took a taxi and entered the Hospital. I arrived to the room he was the day before but he was not there. I asked to a nurse and she did not know what had happened. I began walking through several rooms asking and it was difficult to know. The Hospital is very big and they said maybe it was in the UCI (Unidad de cuidados intensivos)
I walked for several minutes and at last I found him. He was in bright room in the fifth floor. His eyes were closed and he was like sleeping but his breathing was short.
I talked to him in his ear but he did not make any movement. I put my hand over his head and stayed there praying for a moment. I did not know what to do. In that moment I knew he was by himself facing death. There was nothing else I could do. I walked out the room very slowly but very quiet knowing he was going in peace.
10 comentarios:
It's hard to say if this post is sad. It just is. Thanks for sharing it.
I too lost my dad in the Hospital...
It must have been difficult for you to put that experience into words, thanks for sharing.
Death is always a sad thing, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for sharing your experience - its positive outlook is a lovely thing!
Thank you for sharing this private moment with such dignity. I found this very touching.
I have said goodbye to some dear men in my life in the hospital.
Thanks for sharing.
How truly sad. I'm relieved, though, that you were able to see him to his journey.
In the end, what more can any of us hope for than to die with the hand of a loved one on our brow.
Thank you for sharing this deeply personal moment.
Very sad... I don't agree that he was by himself facing death because he had you beside him.
thanks for all your comments...
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