viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

The wheel - La rueda (for One single impression :Circles)

the spinning wheel
caressing the water
its tired heels
stopped the sprouting

la rueda girando
de día y de noche

acarició el agua

mas clavó sus tacos

y detuvo el brote

7 comentarios:

anthonynorth dijo...

Excellent words for the photo. Gives meaning to it.

Sandra.if dijo...

the pic is from Hornopirén National Park in Chile!

SandyCarlson dijo...

Well done! Thanks.

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) dijo...

The words does complement the photo. I always thought of the water caressing me .. but the way you put it is unique.

Anónimo dijo...

I really like the lines, "its tired heels stopped the sprouting".

rebecca dijo...

lovely. though i prefer the Spanish version better...

John E. Tran dijo...

Love the photo and matching words! Thanks for visiting my blog the other day. Cheers.