sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010


they float in the night
with lanterns on their foreheads
making the dark bright

18 comentarios:

Ramesh Sood dijo...

This is so beautiful..it enlightened my heart, taking the darkness away..Very nice, Sandra!

Annie Jeffries dijo...

So beautiful. For me it is a memory of fireflies.

Gemma Wiseman dijo...

Instantly I thought of fireflies darting around with their little lanterns of light! Beautiful poem!

anthonynorth dijo...

Lovely. A great take on the prompt.

Amity dijo...

Those fireflies, make a dark night heavenly...shine like stars and wish to hold it in my palm!

When I was young, I tried to catch them with much effort!

Lovely poem Sandra! :)

SandyCarlson dijo...

Such small things that create such wonder. May we honor them!

Anónimo dijo...

Oh, fireflies! Perfect for this prompt. Great shot, too.

Sandra.if dijo...

I did the same Amity....but today they are not seen anymore here...the smog...:(

Sherri B. dijo...

Oh, how I love fireflies...I enjoyed both your words and your image! Wonderful.

Carina dijo...

Que bonita! =)

Pam dijo...

This has a child-like dream quality. I love firefly season.

Tumblewords: dijo...

A garden of magic. This is lovely!

Linda dijo...

I love the brevity of this haiku...never thought about lanterns on their foreheads! I'll never look at lightning bugs again the same way...


gautami tripathy dijo...

So surreal...


Patti dijo...

beautifully written and I loved the image Sandra! I thought of fireflies as well and can not wait for their return!

thePrimate dijo...

beautiful little haiku...both light and rich with lovely central image. i like!

Lorena dijo...

beautiful imagery and words

Sandra.if dijo...

thanks for your words...!!