sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

Delight in despair

Some time ago I usually had to cross a kilometer at night to get to the school I worked in the mountains. When we forgot to carry the lantern we had to walk in the dark...the experience was frightening, strange but beautiful because it made us face nature without any modern "weapon" but our body

Walking in the dark
walking on the stones
of a muddy road
in winter with rain
The feeling of nothingness
in front of my face
my hand avoids touching
the barbed wire fence
The wind of the night
talking to the trees
makes the leaves to whisper
jingle bell like words
That sinking feeling
makes me taste
the pleasure of finding
delight in despair

11 comentarios:

Sherri B. dijo...

This was so beautiful and visual...I especially loved the last lines:

That sinking feeling
makes me taste
the pleasure of finding
delight in despair

Thank you for sharing!

Anónimo dijo...

That is so beautifully told about a feeling which is scary as well which makes us one with nature.

JHS dijo...

I was right there in the dark with you. Very vivid.

V dijo...

Very nice Arboleda, and thanks for your comment.

Karina dijo...

This was really nice. "the pleasure of finding delight in despair"...words that I reread a few times. Very nice.

Thunkful dijo...

Vivid images and emotions. Narrative + poem . . . very cool!

Sandra.if dijo...

and dear folks I should have added some more ...like the threat of the "puma" for example...:)

p dijo...

this was a perfect post...very real and animalistic.

Anónimo dijo...

Your post brought me to the cold winter mountain. That's a long kilometre walk. Hope it was not haunted!

Sandra.if dijo...

animalistic...yes, I like that word self taught artist
some said that land was haunted olsum´s diary...how did you know?...:)

Crafty Green Poet dijo...

this reminds me very much of walking in the dark when I worked in Malawi. Very atmospheric poem