viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007

I carry

I carry wounds
I carry flowers in the wounds
I carry happiness
I carry sweet words
I carry many smiles
I´ve got to give them
Here they are
Take them
Make them bloom

8 comentarios:

Whitesnake dijo...

By the sounds of things ya also carry love, a that ain't a bad thing!

Anónimo dijo...

How sweet, thank you.

awareness dijo...

they bloom with just by you sharing them......

we carry our gifts, but they only bloom when they are passed on.

thank you.

I will feed them, nuture them and pass them on again.

paisley dijo...

i'm not so sure i want an exploding smile!!!! lol

Tumblewords: dijo...

What a nice thought - lovely things to carry and then pass on...

Thunkful dijo...

Sweet words indeed. Thank you.

Patois42 dijo...

How kind of you to pass them on.

Sandra.if dijo...

Yes, good things have to be shared, de entre espinas se saca la rosa.....:)