domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

Blue rain

Love is blue they say
Rainbow of love promises
Dancing in the rain

10 comentarios:

Sherri B. dijo...

Lighthearted and hopeful...those were the feelings evoked from your words. Lovely!

lissa dijo...

lovely, makes me want to run in the rain

Jim dijo...

I'm with Lissa, I love to run in the rain. "L'amour est bleu" :-)

sgreerpitt dijo...

I like your contrast of the rainbow to the common wisdom.

gautami tripathy dijo...

I too wanna do it!

wrath of nature

gabrielle dijo...

Let it pour!

The Dark Lord dijo...

Beautiful words there... Loved the positive vibes coming off it.. Surely, it makes one want to run in the rain!!

if dijo...

thanks for the comments!

Tumblewords: dijo...

dancing promises - lovely!

Patti dijo...

Love it- the imagery is so positive!