domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009


to in-migrate I enter
quite paths in me
to acquire  surrender

14 comentarios:

SandyCarlson dijo...

That's how to do it, I'd say. Thanks.

anthonynorth dijo...

Lovely, peaceful words.

Loch Rob dijo...

Quiteness within. Is surrender all it takes? Nicely done.

Sherri B. dijo...

Beautiful and well put!

Jim dijo...

Sandra, this is neat. Now will you tell us how you out-migrate? Please?
One very nice way you do that 'outing' is through your pretty poetry. Thanks.

Jeeves dijo...

Acquire and surrender! Thats a lot said

Sandra.if dijo...


Tumblewords: dijo...

Very nice migration!

Esther dijo...

well written. :)

Patti dijo...

Yes- I love to migrate inward as well; always looking for those quiet paths...

Maggie dijo...

I do believe if we do not in-migrate...we will never out-migrate.

Great thoughtful read.

Sandra.if dijo...

excellent annotation Maggie!!

SandyCarlson dijo...

What I need to do now. Thanks for inspiring me yet again.

gabrielle dijo...

ah, for quiet reflection in heady times.