sábado, 24 de abril de 2010


fissuring the rock
rain, sun, and  Inca´s hands
kept the secret locked

16 comentarios:

lissa dijo...

life is a mystery and even our past are full of mysteries but I think some secrets are meant to be share - that's is what I thought when I read this

Jim dijo...

Las grietas.

those aging cracked stones
they tell a story of time
as do life's wrinkles

Thank you, Sandra, for this nice OSI prompt. I did not have very much time this week but the time I could spend with it was fun time.

anthonynorth dijo...

Most enigmatic fissures, those.
Great words.

gautami tripathy dijo...

almost mystical..

flinching fiercely

SandyCarlson dijo...

It seems to me human being used to live in peace with the natural world and therefore had the ability to unlock and interact with the mysteries of our world. Your poem speaks beautifully to this truth.

Sandra.if dijo...

life itself shares truth in the right time ...

Tumblewords: dijo...

Endlessly fascinating - lovely photo and words!

Maude Lynn dijo...

This is gorgeous!

Anónimo dijo...

A part of history that will always amaze me. Great prompt and post.

Amity dijo...

nature has really something to do with the development of fissures in a rock!

nice words sandra!

Patti dijo...

Wonderful choice of prompt- thank you! And beautiful poem and pic!

Anónimo dijo...

Nice piece as usual.^^

Ramesh Sood dijo...

So happy you visited me and recognising originality.. one can't fake creativity..for if it's fake it's not creativity.. Well loved you blog and shall be a regular visitor. keep inspiring..

Sandra.if dijo...

thanks for your words...

Saraswati dijo...

Beautiful poetry, Sandra. So simple and expressive.

Anónimo dijo...
