sábado, 10 de abril de 2010


in the name of love we stayed
after love had gone
in the name of love we lay

nombrándolo amamos
y aunque no estaba
nombrándolo quedamos

15 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Nice haiku...:)

If and only if...!

anthonynorth dijo...

That's beautiful.

Vinay Leo R. dijo...

ola Sandra.. long time no see.
i like this vicariousness.. love and love only i guess! :)

BAR DO BARDO dijo...

Bastante adequado em sua falta de limites.

Anónimo dijo...

Beautiful, and sad.

gautami tripathy dijo...

I like...

ode to insomnia

Also don't forget to post your creative works at Monday Poetry Train Revisitedon Monday mornings!

Lorena dijo...

beautiful, reminds me of marriage which ebbs and flows

M. Reka dijo...

I liked very much...great haiku :)

Marinela x x

Short Poems

Mojo dijo...

This is too often too true. The hollow shell of a love that once was, kept for appearances' sake.


Carlos Gesmundo dijo...

Beautiful verse. Sad thoughts. Love is complicated.

Best wishes, Sandra.

Tumblewords: dijo...

Strong, strong, strong. Beautiful and provocative. Perfect 'vicarious'.

Sandra.if dijo...

thanks for your words...!

lissa dijo...

sad but true....

lissa dijo...

ps, I like your new blog layout, if you need help, let me know

Jim dijo...

This is sooooo good, Sandra, I like it! And the lines are sooooo true sooooo often!
This rings of my first marriage an awfully lot.