domingo, 11 de julio de 2010


overt eclipse soon
the sun is kissing his love
the beautiful moon

13 comentarios:

anthonynorth dijo...

I like it. Nice one.

SandyCarlson dijo...

A beautiful meeting and mating.

Loch Rob dijo...

The sun and moon dance in a delicate balance. Your words describe part of that dance.

JP/deb dijo...

lovely poem and image Sandra ... love the personification.

thanks for your contribution to "overt!"


gautami tripathy dijo...


hugging the stones, I meditate fervently

Also do get aboard the Monday Poetry Train

Anónimo dijo...

OH, that is a lovely idea.

Tumblewords: dijo...

Oh, yes! Lovely!

Amity dijo...


Jim dijo...

Sandra, this is beautiful! Even though I am not writing OSI while on holiday I do look at the prompts. I could never have written something so romantic for the word, 'overt.'

Sandra.if dijo...

thanks for all your nice comments...

Patti dijo...

love your idea of an eclipse! Thanks for that!

Jeeves dijo...

Woww....such a beautyb

Anónimo dijo...

Oh, beautiful! I love the imagery of your words, the image too.