domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010


when  reflection ends
the  heart looks for an answer
and  in God it  rests

13 comentarios:

gautami tripathy dijo...

Yes, it does..

a trophy

anthonynorth dijo...

Beautiful words for the photo.

Vinay Leo R. dijo...

reflection on pensive thoughts? yeah, it does..

Cynthia dijo...

exquisite and so true - thank you.

Anónimo dijo...

How very true ! Please have a good new week.

daily athens

mareymercy dijo...

Nicely done!

SandyCarlson dijo...

And there it rests!

Jim dijo...

Very much the Truth, Sandra.
Thank you.

Anónimo dijo...

So lovely!

Sandra.if dijo...


Ramesh Sood dijo...

and when God doesn't want to answer, God rests in the Heart.. yes.. that too happens.. waht a lovely thought you gave.. it inspired..

Sandra.if dijo...

excellent complement Ramesh Sood ...thanks

Mark Orston dijo...

falling darkness -
more and more loud
words of the prayer

Regards :)