martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

A dove (for Sunday Scribblings)

I do not want a ration
I need all your passion

Two pigeons  on the grass
I love them as I pass

A new leaf sprouts
my emotions shout

I can not wait for the night
to hold your hands with delight

Of all things I choose love
because I am a dove

9 comentarios:

Glowby dijo...

Sweetness come to life!

Jae Rose dijo...

'I love them as I pass'..beautiful comes and fills you up in the most simple of places..Jae

Old Egg dijo...

You have captured the rapture of being in love beautifully. Everything in life then is fantastic and wonderful because the magic of belonging and caring and sharing is yours. Long may that feeling last.

Sandra.if dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

totally different scenarios and yet they link so well in this poem !!

Unknown dijo...

This was precious and happy! It's nice to read a little happy and hope and to remember that love can be joyous like this.

Well done!

Please stop by if you can.

Jeeves dijo...

Feelings so well expressed!!

lissa dijo...

how delightful! makes for a sweet read

Harshad Mehta dijo...

Beautifully poetic & romantic.