lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010


wearing black glasses
eyes shut completely blinded
fancy surpasses

7 comentarios:

SandyCarlson dijo...

You have me thinking of where my fancy takes me when I let it--and where I stay when I don't.

Harshad Mehta dijo...

Sandra, I feel many times it is better to close eyes and jump in, hoping to surpass.

Excellent Haiku.

The Write Girl dijo...

Creative and beautiful take on fancy. I enjoyed this!

Cassiopeia Rises dijo...

Nice take on the prompt. It was a hard one to vision.


Patti dijo...

nicely done- and sometimes fancy does surpass...

Ramesh Sood dijo...

Lovely.. Enjoyed it.. It's good to fancy and move on..

gabrielle dijo...

Amazing where the imagination can take you if you let it. I'm closing my eyes.

Wonderful take on the prompt!