martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008


Reflejos efímeros en el agua
me hipnotizan,
reteniendo el momento
la imagen se eterniza

Fleetings reflections on the water
hipnotize my vision,
I grasp the image
eternizing the moment

13 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

comparing fleeting to reflections is just perfect!

Quiet Paths dijo...

This is so lovely. I wish I could read it in Spanish.

Anónimo dijo...

The would stay with me too. I like your poem very much.

Lenore dijo...

Nicely done

Anónimo dijo...

I love the flow of this, and I agree, to read it in the original would be a great! Love the photo as well, I really took some time fuguring it out!

Anónimo dijo...

What an intriguing photo. It does indeed grab attention and hypnotizes.

Sandra.if dijo...

the pic was taken from a dock focusing the dike in front of the sea bay ...the color of the rusty metal was amazing...(Puerto Montt)

Melody dijo...

Your words are hypnotizing. Beautifully written.

anthonynorth dijo...

Beautiful words, and a very enigmatic picture.

SandyCarlson dijo...

Oh, those fleeting reflections! Internalizing them and making them last can be so very difficult. Thanks for this thought.

Tumblewords: dijo...

Reflections are lovely and fleeting, as well! Nicely done!

Kathie Brown dijo...

Water reflections are the perfect image of something fleeting. Well done.

qualcosa di bello dijo...

yes, it is mesmerizing to stare at reflections...a beautiful drawing into the moment