miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Strangers - Extraños

strangers in the day

in the night and eye to eye

love at first sight

I could not recognize

when he passed by my side

extraños allá extraños aquí

y en la quebrada del ají

amor a primera vista

no dejó ninguna pista

(I wanted to do a spanish version "quebrada del ají" we say when we mean an unknown place...)

12 comentarios:

anthonynorth dijo...

Intriguing words. I liked them.

Anónimo dijo...

It happens like that sometimes. NIce poem.

Jeeves dijo...

Nice one

gabrielle dijo...

Some times it grows

Jim dijo...

Sandra, your poem rings a little bell with things in one of my other lives. It is a very nice 'stranger' poem.
This also reminds me of the Lynrd Skynyrd song,
"Little Girl What's Your Name?"

Well, the police said we can't drink in the bar
What a shame
Won't you come upstairs girl
And have a drink of champagne

What's your name, little girl?
What's your name?
Shootin' you straight, little girl?
For there ain't no shame."

I am not for sure why.

The Dark Lord dijo...

Great use of the prompt there.. great words.. loved read the poem!

Sherri B. dijo...

Very beautiful...

if dijo...

thanks for all your words..Jim I appreciate you writing that poem that makes me think...

Tumblewords: dijo...

How perfectly these images tell the tale...

Anónimo dijo...

Short but meaningful. Well done!

SandyCarlson dijo...

Day and night are tricks of the light. So perception is dynamic!

Pearl dijo...

me gusto.

nice sounds.