lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

on the road

driving in the mist
on the window I can see
intrincated messages
that the rain leaves,
far beyond a bird goes by
between the pines and the clouds
the grey sky, the soaked grass
show winter time,
"queltehues" soaring in couple
the fog rising slowly over the oaks,
on the road
a man in poncho stays
the white stork standing still
both waiting in the cold of the day

10 comentarios:

Ramesh Sood dijo...


I can see
intrincated messages
that the rain leaves,

Beautiful imagery.. a lovely poem..

TC dijo...

A timeless moment. Lovely.

anthonynorth dijo...

You paint a great picture with those words.

Tumblewords: dijo...

I see this scene as vividly as if I had been there - lovely imagery!

lissa dijo...

this brings to mind a pause or a break in deciding which way to go

I can't remember if I commented on this before since blogger is sort having errors with comments, but it didn't matter, I think reading it a second times makes me like it more

Anónimo dijo...

Sounds like a wonderful experience.

Patti dijo...

I love this story told in verse- a very good interpretation for this prompt.

Sandra.if dijo...

yes Lissa ..I have also noticed some errors in the showing and reading comments but I do not know if it is blogger fault or my configuration...thanks for all your nice comments...

SandyCarlson dijo...

A gorgeous moment of complete awareness. Beautiful poem.

Loch Rob dijo...

You capture the moment with such soft, eloquent imagery. I really like your poem.