domingo, 17 de enero de 2010


noise chaos around
a small  seed planted with love
beauty with no  sound

16 comentarios:

anthonynorth dijo...

Very nicely done. I really liked the last line, too.

Andy Sewina dijo...

After all the chaos, I love the line 'beauty with no sound'.

sgreerpitt dijo...

silent beauty -- the best kind.

Amity dijo...

chaos around contributed to its growth:

-the sound of raindrops;
-the sound of people tending to it;
-the sound of farm machines;

yes, many sounds!

Jim dijo...

Sandra, that little seed does its function oblivious of the noise and chaos.
Been missing you, it's been a couple of weeks since your last visit. :-)

Anónimo dijo...

"Beauty with no sound" - a delightful concept, that we unfortunately come across so rarely now!

Sandra.if dijo...

thanks for your words.......I am a little "far" from the pc on these days...

Sherri B. dijo...

Soundless beauty is usually my favorite kind...wonderful post!

Lorena dijo...

interesting tumultuous little journey this one takes me on, like a brief roller coaster ride, I'm still a little dizzy, in a thought provoking way

Tumblewords: dijo...

Beauty with no sound. This is an enchanting piece!

old pajamas dijo...

This is a fine poem, rich 'with love' and hope. However, I think it would be even more lovely as a five line tanka. Thank you...pajamas

Anónimo dijo...

the silence of life is deafening in a big noise... i like that...

Loch Rob dijo...

"Beauty with no sound". Sometimes a picture or a scene speaks louder than words. Such is the self-expression of nature.

Patti dijo...

a small seed planted with love...will overcome the chaos- beautifully stated!

gabrielle dijo...

Tended, it grows, asking so little.

lissa dijo...

beauty with no sound - love this line, & I like how you spin chaos into something positive