domingo, 10 de enero de 2010

The yellow shade - Sombra dorada

under yellow shade
to avoid heart induration
I touch it and stay

suave corteza
bajo su sombra dorada
no hay dureza

12 comentarios:

Lorena dijo...

I like this one, It's spare and colorful, not easy to bring together but you make it work beautifully

anthonynorth dijo...

Beautiful words.

Tom Bailey dijo...

I love reading your blog it is keeping my mind sharp in the area of foreign language. I like how you are able to translate so well too so I can see both versions.

Kindest regards,
Tom Bailey

spacedlaw dijo...

I like to see both versions of the poem. Very nice.

SandyCarlson dijo...

Very beautiful. Thank you.

Tumblewords: dijo...

How lovely this feels!

Sherri B. dijo... is the photo!

Sandra.if dijo...

my translation does not match in words but ideas...:)

Anónimo dijo...


awsome words

Anónimo dijo...

a cool breeze kiss...

Carlos Gesmundo dijo...

Love the feeling your words convey. Thanks.

Cassiopeia Rises dijo...

Nicely done. I love the images I see in your words.
