sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009
Shift in time for OSI
domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009
Esquiva - Elusive for OSI
los iguales se esfuerzan
sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009
"Shame" for Sunday Scribblings
lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009
"Conquista" "Conquer" for OSI
Conquista - Conquer
no ignoro la petición
que con algunas palabras
conquista mi corazón
some words conquer my heart
how could I deny
your wish for me to apply?
domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009
"Junk" for Sunday Scribblings

Diogenes in old times
like a beggar spent his life
living proudly like a dog
rejecting material comfort
he could instictively know
what was friend or who was foe
why your name has been applied
to a behavioural disorder
characterised by self neglect and hoarding?
I want to replevy you and assure
that your intention was pure
lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009
domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009
Enjoying Leonard Cohen´s music
I hope this inspires you to share some of your favorite songs
As a tribute to Leonard Cohen , I offer a potpourri of songs, sorted through the filter of
My Life According to Leonard Cohen:
1.- Are you a male or female? - You know who I am
2.- Describe yourself? - Minute Prologue
3.- How do you feel? - Passing through
4.- Describe where you currently live? – Love calls you by your name
5.- If you Could go anywhere, where you would go ? - First we take Manhattan
6.- Your favourtie form of transportation? - Like a bird on a wire
7.- Your best friend is : Democracy
8.- Your favourite color is: Love itself
9.- What´s the weather like? - A thousand kisses deep
10.- Favourite time of the day? - In my secret life
11.- If your life was a TV show, what it would be called? - Fingerprints
12.- What is life to you? - Avalanche
13.- Your relationships - Always
14.- Your fear: There is a war
15.- What is the best advice you have to give? - Be for real
16.- If you Could change your name , you would change it to: Light as the breeze
17.- Thought for the day : The guests
18.- How I would like to die? - The land of plenty
19.- My soul´s present condition - You have loved enough
20.- My motto: Why don´t you try
Leonard Norman Cohen was born in Montreal in 1934 on September 21. He is a poet and song writer.
For four decades, Leonard Cohen has been one of the most important and influential songwriters of our time, a figure whose body of work achieves greater depths of mystery and meaning as time goes on.
He has relentlessly examined the largest issues in human lives, always with a full appreciation of how elusive answers can be to the vexing questions he raises. But those questions, and the journey he has traveled in seeking to address them, are the ever-shifting substance of his work, as well as the reasons why his songs never lose their overwhelming emotional force.
The light came through the window,
Straight from the sun above,
And so inside my little room
There plunged the rays of Love.
In streams of light I clearly saw
The dust you seldom see,
Out of which the Nameless makes
A Name for one like me.
(from Love itself)
Please feel free to post your own My Life According to (fill in your favorite songwriter) and please let us know where we can find your impressions.
Here are the guidelines:
1) Answer the questions as well as you can, but using only song names from one artist.
2) Try not to repeat a song title.
sábado, 10 de octubre de 2009
Mis poemas dedicados
¿Quién iba a pensar
que de los desechos nacerían flores,
que bajo las piedras, entre rocas
y desierto, habían semillas,
esperando, y
todo recuerdo doloroso acabaría?
Who would think
that the waste would bear flowers,
that under stones, among rocks
and desert, there were seeds
hoping, and
all painful memories would end.
Recuerdos (para mi hijo Francisco)
Recuerdos no son solamente
Esas fotos y esos cuadros
Que cuelgan en la pared
O esas cosas que apreciamos
Y guardamos con placer
Porque algún ser tan querido
Nos entregó en el ayer
Son también esas imágenes
Que hoy podemos traer
Cuando cerramos los ojos
Y somos capaces de ver
Los momentos más amados
Lo guardado y que ya fue,
Lo que da sentido y forma
A los sueños otra vez
En los espacios más sutiles,
nos encontramos,
no te conozco pero puedo verte
cuando entre líneas
y en el aire quieto
el charcán canta suavecito
You left to the ways you wanted,
and I remained thinking
about your outbursts, your laughter,
your kisses of sagacious boy.
I remember you going to school
with your grey suit
you were so near and so far,
I loved you but I did not know it
love grows with time and distance
good bye brother, be well...
Te fuistes por los caminos que querías,
y yo me quedé pensando
en tus arrebatos, tu risa,
tus besos de niño travieso.
Te recuerdo yendo al colegio
con tu ternito gris
estabas tan cercano y tan lejano,
yo te amaba mas no lo sabía
¡como crece el cariño en la distancia!
adiós hermano, que te vaya bien...
Confused in the quiet air
I forgot all your words,
its feeble trace;
what it was vanished like a rose"
Your words touch me so deep,
your book slips to the floor,
my eyes almost closed,
and I think of the end...wishing
I could face that in a similar moment.
"Confundido en el aire quieto
olvidé todas tus palabras
su débil huella. Lo que fue
se deshizo como una rosa"
Tu palabras me tocan tan hondo
tu libro se desliza al suelo,
mis ojos casi cerrados
y pienso en el final...deseando
enfrentarlo así
Tu risa como ola,
me golpea,
me toca,
e intimamente me arrincona
Tú no sabes más yo espero
esa pequeña muerte ansiada
que brota sin aviso
al oír tu carcajada.
Your laughter like a wave,
strikes me,
touches me,
and intimately corners me.
You don't know but I wait,
that little death so longed
that bursts without warning
and makes me feel alive
asi de pronto
te asomas a la vida
a nuestras vidas
lentamente te reconocemos
nosotros te nombramos
ya te imaginamos
te esperamos
ya te conocemos
domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009
A tale of two languages
viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009
First kiss
when the moon was bright
in the winter that night
I eagerly wanted to know
what you did not show
I was thinking of you
deciding what to do
In the kitchen I found you
with unexpected kiss
I satiated your hunger
your lips trembling
our hearts shaking
smelling your scent
kisses would not end