lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

"Conquista" "Conquer" for OSI

Conquista - Conquer

no ignoro la petición

que con algunas palabras

conquista mi corazón

some words conquer my heart

how could I deny

your wish for me to apply?

10 comentarios:

lissa dijo...

simple, will have to think on this...

zoya gautam dijo...

.. lovely thought sandra ,

many thanks ..

PS the Pratsie dijo...

this conquered mine :)

Marilyn dijo...

This is my kind of thing. I like.

Heliotropism dijo...

I have no idea what the first half says, but, in any event, the flow of the words appear to be beautiful so I can only imagine the meaning is the same.

I agree, some words do conquer the heart, even the unspoken words. When that happens we lose our senses and just want to give everything we have.

Patti dijo...

nicely written...thanks!

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) dijo...

Yes, it makes perfect sense --- if these words conquer my heart, why not apply myself to doing the same ... now this comment applies to me, looking through your words. Simple, raw and beautiful.

Anónimo dijo...

So pleasant, I enjoyed this very much.

SandyCarlson dijo...

Oh, such conquests make me wonder about the nature of victory.

if dijo...

well this is a sympathetic conquest....:)