domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

Blowing the curve

I wonder if
I blow the curve
or the curve blows me
when I say “I do not know”,
but the path stands still
and goes on, as it has to be

13 comentarios:

Tom Bailey dijo...

I do not know is a fair answer - it can often mean one does not know in this exact moment but thoughts are being arranged during the not knowing.

Thanks for sharing.

Tom Bailey

Lorena dijo...

I like this one, and the structure of this one and the visual look of it with it's many o's

anthonynorth dijo...

Questions are still fascinating even when we don't get the answer. Great reflective words.

Beth P. dijo...

True enough! I'm beginning to think that more and more the curve blows us...

Thanks for this poem and image! My first visit to your site, but I'll be back!

Pearl dijo...

did you mean a double entendre? I got a chuckle anyways.

Sandra.if dijo...

when I first read the prompt "blowing the curve" I thought it was an idiom but I did not find anything related in dictionaries....then I was rather confused.....that made me wander and create this...:)

Jeeves dijo...

Path stands still and waits for answer from us.

Tumblewords: dijo...

Nice work! This was a tough prompt, I thought!

Jim dijo...

Yes, the path does stand still. Now please don't blow it and get off the path. In English, we blow something when we mess up very badly. Like blowing your marriage by having a mistress and getting caught.

As a teacher I generally graded on the curve. That is making the grades fit into A,B,C,and D grades on a line graph. Those who blew the curve were outside the curve, generally to the left into the fail category. One or two might have exceedingly high grades outside the curve to the right.

The curve was shapped like a bell with more students fitting into the thicker middle portions. Those grades will be, left to right, C and B's.
Grading on the curve explained

Sandra.if dijo... I have understood tbe idea are so nice...!!

Loch Rob dijo...

I don't worry about blowing the curve any more. I do the best I can, and know it is usually good enough. Thought provoking work here.

gabrielle dijo...

You went to a deeper level. "I don't know" is the perfect response.

Patti dijo...

Nicely done and perfect picture to accompany your poem!