domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

The gold of the sun (for OSI)

for me a delight
watching the gold of the sun
greeting me with light

19 comentarios:

SandyCarlson dijo...

A delight for me, too--as is your poem.

Vinay Leo R. dijo...

a delight to read urs Sandra! :)

wonderful words!

gautami tripathy dijo...

Very pleasant...

words broken into tiny pieces

Sherri B. dijo...

They are a delight, aren't they? Bright and comforting, just like your words!

anthonynorth dijo...

I can only agree. Nicely done.

Tammie Lee dijo...

this is sweet~

mia dijo...

very inspiring words...

Lorena dijo...

the gold of the sun, one of the few riches we can all afford!

Anónimo dijo...

very nicely said..

few and just right words

Amity dijo...

Very golden...:)

Tumblewords: dijo...

Oh, Yes! Lovely!

geeta dijo...

Heart warming poetry..

Thanks for your lovely comment on my poem..
Keep hopping ....Hope to never disappoint you..

Sandra.if dijo...

thanks for your words...

Loch Rob dijo...

Nothing like the warmth of the sun to warm our face and hearts.

Jim dijo...

That ol' man Sol!
Now ain't he great!

We would be in a sorry fix too, without that golden light.
Depending on how old you are, your uncle in the olden days may have been 6EL. When the country prefixes came along he would add 'CE' for Chile. The U.S. prefixes begin with K, W, and A.

Patti dijo...

beautiful- love the little golden spots of sun!

Sandra.if dijo...

yes sounded both ways to me...maybe they changed in that time...I do not remember well...and I do not remember my age either...:)

lissa dijo...

lovely, it certainly describe the joy of seeing such wonder of the sunlight

Henrique Pimenta dijo...

Um jogo de luz-a-zul...