sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009

"Shame" for Sunday Scribblings


when I was a child
I used to grieve
a lot about sins
it was such a shame
talking to the priest
standing on my knees
telling in regret
what others had set
today I have learnt
that I can be ashamed
only if I allow others
to make me feel that way
and not listen to my heart
that has the truth inside

11 comentarios:

Sherri B. dijo...

You are very wise...this was beautifully put. Wonderful read!

quin browne dijo...

excellently done...

Tumblewords: dijo...

Ah, yes, when wisdom takes the lead. Nice work!

Heliotropism dijo...

This is true! Really all aspects of this promote various levels of shame... but only when you become wise can you eliminate it. Nicely done!

Old Egg dijo...

Those damned others!
Heart 1 Others 0.

George S Batty dijo...

well said

Anónimo dijo...

so true!! i love your words!very relatable..

Dee Martin dijo...


Americanising Desi dijo...


Shame on me

Anónimo dijo...

For me also.Your words speak much true, you.

Ange dijo...

I'm with Oldegg!! Religion has a lot to answer for. Let your heart beat true...