domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

Forbidden running - for OSI

forbidden running

we stand under the dintel

the final waiting

(inspired on the earthquake we suffered in Chile 27/02/10)

15 comentarios:

zoya gautam dijo...

.. all of us wish all of u well ..

Stan Ski dijo...

My thoughts are with Chile.

SandyCarlson dijo...

I feel the danger in this and the sense of no place to go. I pray for all in your country.

Loch Rob dijo...

Our prayers go out to those in Chile. The powers of nature, so often, make us feel our smallness.

Sherri B. dijo...

My thoughts and prayers go to everyone in Chile...I'm glad you're safe. Your haiku has a powerful impact today.

Sandra.if dijo...

thanks for all your these moments we also appreciate things that we have for granted but may not last...

Lorena dijo...

nothing like nature induced poetry, My prayers to you and your fellow countrymen. Glad to hear you are O.K-excellent poem by the way

anthonynorth dijo...

My thoughts are with Chile. Terrible news.

Anónimo dijo...

my prayers are with you

Patti dijo...

My thoughts and prayers are with all in your country~

Tumblewords: dijo...

Powerful. Nature and man. Warm hopes for Chile.

Andree dijo...

So ominous and foreboding. Very powerful poem. My prayers are with you.

geeta dijo...

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your fellow countrymen...powerful poem...Keep up the spirits..God Bless

Tammie Lee dijo...

Holding strong feelings, your poem honors what Chile is experiencing.
I send healing prayers.

Amity dijo...

May God spare all the innocent people!

May God be more forgiving!